Investment Philosophy
Our focus is on finding and investing in growth stocks which we think will outperform the overall market over the long term.
Often times a company’s current stock price falls well below the intrinsic value because of broader market influences such as political, economic, currency, or interest rate trends. This presents excellent buying opportunities for investors who have conducted accurate comprehensive research and who have long term time horizons.
Conviction in the accuracy of our research and analysis is critical in determining whether to buy, sell, or short-sell a stock. Without strong conviction, an investor is simply shaken out of losing positions during large market fluctuations instead of profiting from the uncertainty in the market place.
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide our clients with superior investment performance over the long term while always adhering to the highest ethical standards. We realize that our clients have put their trust in our ability to manage their assets over the long term, and we will always strive to put their goals first when making investment management decisions.